How to Assign Fees

How to Assign Fees in Mass

  1. Click on the Financials page.
    1. Click on the "Add Cost" button.
      1. Choose whether to assign the cost to
        1. all students in your program,
        2. all students in a group, or
        3. custom of students that you hand-pick from a list off all students in your program.
    2. Give your cost a Title, an Amount, Due Date, and (optionally) a Description. Also choose whether you want to send a text notification about the new cost that has been assigned.
      1. The parent will receive a text message or email with a unique link that will log them into their student page.
    3. Clink on the Save green button.

Adjusting a Fee

If you need to adjust anything about this fee, navigate to the Financials page and click on the "Applied Cost" you want to adjust.

You can:

  • "Add Students" to this cost
  • "Edit All", any changes will be applied to all members having this cost
  • "Edit individual", any changes only apply to this member
  • "Delete", deletes the cost to all members having this cost

Once you have made you selection above, Click the "Save" button where applicable.

Starting Balances

Goal: often, newly created/imported students have a balance or credit from the previous year. Here's how to set their starting balance.

Navigate to the Program Settings page, scroll down to Onboarding, where you'll discover two functionalities:

  1. Add Custom Costs: For students with outstanding balances from the prior year, input a cost and label it as "rolling balance from last year."
  2. Add Bulk Payments If a student has a credit carried over from the previous year, input the credit use the 'Bulk Creation of Payments' feature to reflect this credit in the Next Gen app.

Directly importing past financial records (costs and payments) into the system isn't feasible. The term "import" implies data migration, but there's a foundational difference in data structure between our app and Charms and Cut Time Classic, which limits our ability to "import/migrate" previous records.

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