Signatures Overview

See this article for the member/guardian article on Documents

The Signatures feature is designed to facilitate collecting e-signatures from students and guardians for things like handbook agreements and permission slips. Program administrators can upload PDF files and request signatures from specific individuals, and students and guardians can log in to CutTime to view the document and submit an e-signature.

This feature does not currently support fillable PDFs; only documents requiring a signature alone.

For Admins: Uploading a Document and Requesting Signatures

As an administrator, you can click on the Signatures link from your sidebar to view your Documents dashboard. This dashboard contains a list of all the documents that you uploaded so far.

Creating and Uploading a New Document

  1. Navigate to the Signatures page from your dashboard, and click the "Add document" button on your Documents dashboard.
  2. Create a name for the document - this is the name that will appear on your Signatures page and will be visible to members and guardians on their dashboard.
  3. Click the "Choose File" button to upload the PDF of your document.
  4. Click "Save" to create the document and see it in your Documents dashboard.

PDF documents in CutTime have a file size limit of 10MB.

Viewing a Document and Requesting Signatures

  1. On the Signatures page, click the name of the document you want to view to open the Document Details page.
  2. To request signatures on this document, click the green "Request Signature(s)" button.
  3. Use the student picker to select the students who need to sign and/or whose guardians need to sign the document and click "Continue."
  4. Choose whether to request signatures from the students themselves, from the guardians of the students, or from both students and guardians. Optionally, toggle the switch to enable or disable notifications when the signatures are requested. If enabled, each recipient will receive a message notifying that their signature has been requested on a new document.

  1. Click "Save" to request the signatures.

Once the signatures have been requested, you will see those requests populate the Document Details page as "Pending." As these recipients begin to submit their e-signatures, "Pending" will change to "Signed electronically."

If the "There are no members in the selected program/group" error shows up, those members and/or guardians have had their signatures requested already!

Recording Manual Signatures

After signatures are requested, administrators can manually record signatures for students and guardians who submit a signed paper copy of the document.

  1. Locate the student and click the three dots on the right side of the row to add either a student or guardian signature.
  2. On the Record Signature page, type in the name of the student or guardian who signed the form.
  3. Click "Save" to see the signature populate the Document Details page. The "Pending" status for that student or guardian will change to "Signed physically."

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