Classic Export Guide

If you have not yet scheduled your migration to CutTime, be sure to take a moment to review the new CutTime Account Setup steps below. We recommend you complete the setup tasks in parallel while you export your program’s data from your Classic CutTime account.

New CutTime Account Setup 

  • Complete the “Let's Plan Your Migration to CutTime” form here.
    • You will receive an automated email invitation after a CutTime support team member creates your new CutTime Administrator account. Important - you will need to click the activation link within 24 hours of receipt. Check your spam folder if you can't find the activation email.
  • Review and Confirm your new account details
    • After you complete registration, review the name of your school district, community organization and/or individual programs. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact for assistance.
  • Add Additional Users (optional)
    • Add additional Users (anyone who should have access rights) such as fellow Teachers, Booster Club Volunteers, and other authorized Helpers/Administrators to your program’s new CutTime account from the ‘Users’ link located on the left side menu. Adding Users

Desktop Setup: Pro Tip! If you set up a folder on your desktop called "Extracts/Exports", you can save any extracts to this folder for easy access.

Exporting Student Data from Classic and Importing to Next Gen

Video Walkthrough -

Step By Step Instructions

Exporting Guardian Data from Classic and Importing to Next Gen

Video Walkthrough -

Step By Step Instructions

Exporting Your Full List of People

It should be noted that, at the moment, only Students/Member and Guardians can be uploaded into the Next Generation system. Any additional members in your program, such as Volunteers or Boosters who should not have administrative access, will be added later into CutTime.

Therefore, we would recommend saving an extract of your full list of people in your CutTime Classic account, as well as your list of Volunteers.

Video Walkthrough -

Other Data to Export:


It is recommended that you download extracts of All Financial Obligations/Pledges, Financial Payments, Credits earned, as well as a copy of All Financials Statements so that you have a comprehensive archive of your program's financial history.

Downloading All Financial Obligations/Pledges:

  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right, and click on Financials - Obligations.

    • Click on "Create a Spreadsheet Backup of All Financial Obligations" to download your extract and save it to your Extracts folder.
  • If you are looking for details for a specific Obligation/Pledge, please download the "Financial Obligations (by Obligation)" report for that Obligation/Pledge.
    • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the section on the left that says "Financials" and click the "Financial Obligations (by Obligation)" report.

    • Select the Obligation/Pledge, then choose "Show All", "Only Balance Due", or "Paid in Full", and hit search.

    • Click the Spreadsheet button to download your extract and save it to your extract folder.
  • To see an overview of remaining balances per member/student and available credit balance, it is recommended that you also download the "Financial Obligations - All Report"
    • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the section on the left that says "Financials" and click the "Financial Obligations - All" report.
    • Click Extract (CSV) and save the file to your exports folder.
    • This report can be used when setting up your Starting Account Balances.

Downloading Financial Payments:

  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right, and click on Financials - Payments.

  • Click on "Create a Spreadsheet Backup of All Financial Payments" to download your extract and save it to your Extracts folder.

Downloading Credits

  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the section on the left that says "Financials" and click the "Financial Credits" report.

  • Choose the start date and end date range and hit Search.
  • Then click Extract (CSV) to download and save to your Extracts folder.

Downloading Financial Statements

  • Go to the Financials Module: Print Statements Page.
  • Click the check box on the left side next to the Name column (or make other selections).

  • Click Print Statements to download PDF Financial Statements.

Instruments/Other Inventory

For an Individual Account/Subscription

  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page
  • Scroll down to the bottom right hand side to the section Data Backups.
  • Click the Inventory report.
  • Click "Create a Spreadsheet Backup of All Inventory" to download an extract of all Instruments and Other Inventory.
    • You can also download Repair History as well under that same Data Backup section.

*A quick note: The Classic Version of CutTime will have your instruments and other equipment mixed in together. (Video explanation)

Therefore if you are planning to upload both your Instruments and your Equipment into the Next Generation version of CutTime, you will want to:

  • Extract your Inventory data
  • Open the file and save one version as "Instruments", and save a second copy as "Equipment"
  • On file you saved as "Instruments", use the Category column to filter for anything that is not considered an instruments, and remove those rows.
  • On file you saved as "Equipment" , use the same Category column to filter for Instruments and remove those rows.

For a District Inventory (*If you are a District Administrator)

  • Go to the Inventory Module: District Inventory - Instruments page.
  • Click on Extract (CSV) to download an extract and save to your Extract Folder.

Music Library

  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page.
  • Scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right side.
  • Click on the Music Library report to extract this file and save to your Extract folder.


  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page.
  • Scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right side.
  • Click on the Attire report to extract this file and save to your Extract folder.

  • PLEASE NOTE: It is recommended that you also download an extract of the Measurements Report.
    • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page.
    • Scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right side.
    • Click on the Measurements report to extract this file and save to your Extract folder.


  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right, and click on Data Export - Events.

  • Download this extract and save it to your export folder.
    • Open this file in Excel and remove all of the old events from this extract, so that moving forward you are only uploading upcoming events into your CutTime next gen account.

  • Select the updated Classic calendar from your export folder and email it to
  • Support will upload your calendar events into your new CutTime Events list in your next generation account.
  • You can also download an extract of Volunteers from that Data Backups section and save that to your export folder as a reference.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Volunteer Opportunities will not be included on your Events upload, so you will need to go into your next generation CutTime account Events page and add the volunteer opportunities to the appropriate Events. You can read how to do this here.

Additional Data to Backup


  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right, and click on Volunteers.
  • Click "Create a Spreadsheet Backup of All Volunteers" to download an extract that you can save to your Extracts Folder.


  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right, and click on People (Relationships) and download an extract that you can save to your Extracts Folder.


  • Go to the People Module: Members Page.
  • In the Type of Member filter, select "Graduates/Alumni", and click Search.
  • Click on the Excel button below the Search button to download an extract and save it to your Extract Folder.


  • Go to the Tools Module: Tools/Reports Page, scroll down to the Data Backups section on the bottom right, and click on Donors.
  • Click "Create a Spreadsheet Backup of All Donors" to download an extract that you can save to your Extracts Folder.

Required Forms

Should you need to download copies of the submitted forms in the Assignments Module: Required Forms Page, it is suggested that you navigate to this page and click View on the submissions that you need to download a copy of.


Should you have any files that have been stored in the Files/Docs Module, it is suggested that you go to those files, click Open and download a copy to save to your Extracts Folder.

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