CutTime Onboarding Guide
For more help documents on getting started, including some brief demonstration videos of CutTime's current features, click here: Getting Started
This article is for users who have communicated with CutTime support to establish a new account. If you're a new user interested in onboarding with CutTime, contact to get started.
Account Setup
- Complete your registration
- You will receive an automated email invitation after a CutTime support team member creates your account. Check your spam folder if you can't find the email.
- Review account details
- After you complete registration, review the name of your district and/or programs. If you see something that doesn't look right, contact for assistance.
- Add additional users (optional)
- Add additional users to your program from the Users link on the left side menu. See our User Management doc for more details.
Now let's get some data in your account, follow these steps...
Importing Data
- Student Data Import
- Guardian Data Import
- Starting Balances & Financials
Instrument inventory and Equipment items are treated as separate data types in CutTime, so make sure to separate those out and import separately!
Review and Download our CutTime Onboarding Checklist:
School or Community K-12 Checklist Version Here
School Higher Ed Checklist Version Here
Communicate with your Program
For users that will be managing your CutTime account with you, sharing these feature cheat sheets may be useful for them to have and use!
- Instrument Inventory Cheat Sheet Here
- Communication Cheat Sheet Here
- Financials Cheat Sheet Here
- End of Year Wrap Up Cheat Sheet Here
For your members and guardians, we’ve prepared a series of Welcome to CutTime Kits with ready-made materials to help you communicate your use of CutTime with your program stakeholders.
Welcome to CutTime for Members Kits
These kits contain announcement templates and distributable flyers with links to landing pages on our website where your program members can learn more about CutTime, get answers to frequently asked questions, and access relevant resources.
Welcome to CutTime Kit for Parents-Guardians
Welcome to CutTime Kit for Students
Make Sure to Spread the Word About CutTime to your Members!
We also encourage you to update your program handbooks and website with information about the new CutTime. We’ve prepared suggested wording that you can use for your website, eNewsletter, social media and handbooks along with graphic image banners in our CutTime Brand Kit. Inside, you will also find printable posters for classroom display and a set of presentation slides with a video that can be used for recruitment and orientation meetings with your members.
If you have questions about any of the ready-made kit contents, please send an email to
Here's how to handle questions and suggestions for students and guardians...
- Here's the student and guardian experience with CutTime Next Gen.
- Best Practices for Students & Guardians