Music Library Overview

For assistance importing your Music Library, click here: Music Library Import Overview

Table of Contents

Navigating your Music Library

Adding Pieces

Categories, Instrumentation/Voicing, and Publishers

Parts and Copies

Assigning Parts to Students

Sharing Music Libraries

Navigating your Music Library

The main Music Library page contains an index of all of your Pieces. The search filters at the top of this page will allow you to perform a real-time search by simply typing something in. Additionally, these fields can be combined to search by multiple fields simultaneously.

Each title in your Music Library is called a Piece, and Pieces can contain multiple Parts (or Copies) that can be named and assigned to a student. To view the details of a piece, find it in your index table, click the menu on the right side of that row, and click View.

The Music Piece Details page displays all of the basic information about your piece. From the Edit page, you can also edit these details to add information including performance notes.

Adding Pieces

The fastest way to add Pieces to your Music Library is by using the importer. A full walkthrough for this can be found here: Music Library Import Overview.

To add Pieces individually, click "Add Piece" from the top of your index page. From here, fill in all of the necessary information for your piece, following the formatting guidelines on the page. For more information about Category, Instrumentation/Voicing, and Publisher, see below.

When adding a new Piece, you can also add Parts and title these parts accordingly. See below for more information about Parts.

Categories, Instrumentation/Voicing, and Publishers

In your Program Settings page, you will see a Music Library Settings header containing links to manage these three items. CutTime’s Music Library is designed to maintain consistent lists for these three fields, so you can come to these pages to edit the titles or add new ones if necessary. When importing your Music Library data using CutTime’s import tool, these will be created automatically, but when adding Pieces one-by-one, you will need to select from your list.

Parts and Copies

When importing your Music Library, you can add a quantity to the Parts/Copies column to generate these automatically. Once created, you can optionally add titles to your Parts to line them up with the parts in a set of sheet music.

Barcodes for Parts will be automatically generated based on the barcode of the Piece. This is in alignment with the functionality from Charms, so if you have already used your Charms data to print barcode labels for your parts, those will carry over to CutTime as well.

Assigning Parts to Students

To assign parts to students, start by clicking the “Manage Assignments” above your list of Parts in the Music Piece Details page. This will bring up a page listing each part, along with a dropdown of your members and a return due date. Note that you can apply a return due date to all students using the date picker on the top right corner of the page.

To assign parts, select the appropriate student from the dropdown for each part, select a return due date (if you haven’t applied one in bulk) and click “Assign”. The student’s name will now appear on this table as well as the Parts table on the Music Piece Details page.

To check parts back in from students, go back to the “Manage Assignments” page and click “End Assignment.” You can also check parts back in from a student’s Membership Details page, where you can see a full assignment history of parts for that student.

Sharing Music Libraries

CutTime allows you to browse the music libraries of other programs should you need to borrow sheet music for an upcoming performance. In order to view other programs’ libraries, you must opt in to sharing your own music library as well.

To opt in to sharing, navigate to your Program Settings page and find the Music Library Sharing Preferences header. From here, click “Edit Sharing Preferences.” Finally, enter the contact name and contact email address you would like to be displayed to other CutTime users when they view your library.

With sharing enabled, you will see a new checkbox on your Music Library index page labeled “Include shared libraries?”. Checking this box will allow you to view and search through the library data for all other CutTime programs that have opted in to sharing. This filter will also display the Program Name and contact information for these other programs in the table so you can reach out as needed.

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