Storage Locations

Setting up Storage Locations

Navigate to the Storage Locations page, and click the "Add new location" button. Enter the Location Name, pick the type, and click "Add Location" to save your new Storage Location.

Locations are automatically generated in your program when you import inventory items that include a location assignment in the spreadsheet.

Editing a Location

Navigate to the Storage Locations page, click the three dots on the right side, and click "Edit." Make your adjustments to the location and click "Update Location" to save your changes. Please note, locations cannot be deleted; however, you can update a location by changing it to something else.

Checking Instruments Stored in a Location

On the Storage Locations page, click the three dots on the right side and then click "View instruments" to be redirected to see a list of all Instruments that have that Storage Location listed.

Updating an Item's Location

Navigate to the inventory item's details page you wish to update. Scroll down to the Locations section and click the "Update Location" button.

Choose a new Location and click "Update Location."

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