User Management
Table of Contents
What is a User?
Managing Users
- Adding Users
- Editing Roles and Permissions
- Editing Names, Email Addresses, and Passwords
- Removing Users
What is a User?
Users are individuals who can log in and access the administrative side of your CutTime account, as opposed to members or guardians who interact with CutTime differently. Users have traditional email and password-style logins and fall into two categories: Program Users and District Users.
- Program Users are users with access to specific CutTime programs. Program Users can be associated with multiple programs, such as for itinerant teachers or boosters involved with multiple programs.
- District Users are users added to a District in CutTime. By default, District Users can access all programs in their district, as well as their district dashboard which have some additional features.
All CutTime users have several associated properties: name, email address, user role, and permissions. You can see a list of your program's users by clicking the Users link from your sidebar above Settings.
For security, users accessing your program should each have their own individual user account. Multiple people accessing the same user account is not recommended.
User Roles
Roles are a way of describing your position in your organization. There are currently three options:
- Admin might describe a district administrator; this is most commonly used for users who oversee the school district in CutTime.
- Teacher would describe a teacher/educator at the program level.
- Booster might describe a parent or other volunteer.
User roles are semi-hierarchical in that a user cannot edit another user with a role above theirs. For example, a booster cannot edit a user with a role of teacher or admin.
Other than the semi-hierarchical nature of how roles can manage each other, the user role does not signify any difference in functionality at the program level. The "User Permissions" area below defines those for each individual user.
User Permissions
Permissions allow you to grant or revoke access to certain specific features in CutTime. If a permission has been granted to a user, they can view and interact with the data on that page in CutTime. If a permission has been revoked from a user, the link to that page will disappear and they will not see associated data for that feature anywhere else in CutTime. For example:
- A user with permission to access Financials will be able to click on the Financials link and interact with all data on the page. Additionally, when they access a member's Program Membership Details page, they will see that member's costs, payments, and other financial data.
- A user without permission to access Financials will not have a Financials link on their dashboard. Additionally, when they access a member's Program Membership Details page, they will not see that member's costs, payments, or any other financial data.
The only permission that deviates from this pattern is the Student contact permission. Note that this is a separate permission from Announcements.
- A user with student contact permission can interact with members and see all contact information.
- A user without student contact permission can still interact with members (such as by sending announcements, adding payments, etc.), but members' email addresses and/or cell phone numbers will be redacted from the page.
Note that read-only permissions are not currently available but are on our roadmap for future development.
Managing Users
Adding Users
To add users to your program:
- Click the Users link in your sidebar above Settings
- Click the Add User button
- Enter the email address, name, role, and permissions for the new user
- Note that when adding a new user, you cannot grant permissions that you do not have yourself. For example, if you do not have financial permissions, you will not see a slider for that permission on the Add User page, and the user you add will not have financial permissions unless those permissions are later granted by a user who has them.
- Click Save
When a new user is added, they will automatically receive a registration invitation email from CutTime. This email contains a link which the user can click to create their password and log in. This registration invitation link is active for 45 days.
If the user does not set up their account before the link expires, or needs a new email, you can resend their invite by clicking "Manage" link next to the user and then clicking "Send new invite email."
Editing Roles and Permissions
User roles and permissions can be edited by another user with equal or greater permissions. Similar to when adding new users, this means that a user cannot grant another user a permission they do not have themself. Additionally, a user cannot adjust another user's role to be above their own.
To edit user roles and permissions:
- Click the Users link in your sidebar under Settings
- Click the Manage link next to a user
- Adjust their role and permissions as necessary
- Click Save
Editing Names, Email Addresses, and Passwords
- At this time, a user's name can only be edited by CutTime support. If your name needs to be adjusted, please reach out to us at for help.
- A user's email address can be adjusted by the user themself in CutTime by clicking the Account Settings link in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Email addresses can only be edited by the user - you cannot adjust the email address of another user.
If you add a user with an incorrect email address and they are unable to receive the registration invitation, you can create another new user record with the correct email address and contact to remove the incorrect one from your program.
- A user's password can be adjusted in two ways:
- A user can edit their password in CutTime by clicking the Account Settings link in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
- A user can reset their password by clicking the Forgot your password? link on the CutTime login page. This will send an email to the user containing password reset instructions.
Removing Users
At this time, users can only be removed from programs by CutTime support. To request a user be deactivated or removed from your program, please reach out to us at