Equipment Inventory Overview

Table of Contents

Managing Equipment Types

Adding Equipment

Navigating your Equipment

Assigning Equipment

Managing Equipment Types

In the equipment feature setup, admins and teachers can keep a living record of all the equipment owned, managed, and used by their programs.

"Equipment" is generally designed to handle any sort of inventory item not covered in the Instruments, Attire, or Music Library sections of CutTime. To accommodate your specific needs, you can customize equipment types in your program settings. These could include items such as Music Stands, Lockers, and/or Electronics. The types are totally customizable, so you can make it fit your program however you need it to. 

While Equipment Types are automatically created whenever you import equipment into CutTime, you can also manually add equipment types by navigating to your Program Settings page, scrolling down to Equipment Settings and clicking on "Manage Equipment Types."

On this page, you can see your equipment types and click "Add Type" to add more equipment types.

Adding Equipment

See Equipment Inventory Import Overview for details on how to import equipment data in our spreadsheet template.

  • Navigate to your Equipment page, and click "Add Equipment."
  • Enter the Equipment Type, selected from your list of Equipment Types in your Program Settings. See the section above for how to manage those types. As needed, add a description to provide more detail about what this equipment item is.
  • Enter the Make and Model of the equipment item. These fields are required., If you do not have this information, simply enter "Unknown."
  • Enter any additional details you wish to include for this equipment item. You can also add storage locations by navigating to the Storage Locations page. For more information, see  - Storage Locations
  • Click “Save.”

Navigating your Equipment

Searching for Equipment

On the Equipment page, you'll find several options to sort and filter the equipment items. As you begin typing in any of the filter fields, the results will dynamically narrow to match your search criteria.

To search for an individual equipment item, you can filter for:

  • Serial #
  • Owner Identifier
  • Barcode
  • Case ID
  • Student Assignment

To search for a group of equipment items, you can filter for:

  • Make or Model
  • Type
  • Purchase Year
  • Location
  • Condition (this is populated by the last inspection condition)
  • Description
  • Assignment status

Click on an equipment item to view that item's Equipment Details page.

Each equipment item has a Notes section for adding extra details. To add or update this information, go to the "Edit Equipment" page located in the top right corner of the Equipment Details page.

Exporting your Equipment Data

To export your equipment data, simply click the "Export" option on the main Equipment page. After selecting "Export," you’ll be prompted to choose the fields you want to include by applying filters.  Use the 'Select all fields' option or select the specific fields you want to see in your spreadsheet. Next time you click to Export, it will 'remember' and display your previous field selections. Once you have your filters set, you can click "Export" to download an excel sheet with your filtered equipment data.

Repairs, Inspections, and Locations


On the Equipment Details page of the item you'd like to add a repair log to, scroll down to the Repairs section and click the "Add repair" button.

Enter the Vendor, Cost, Details, and Started on date. If there is no end date, it will be considered an "Active" repair when saved.Once the repair is complete, or when you have confirmation that it is finished, enter the end date and click "Save" to mark the repair as "Completed" in CutTime.

You can make full edits to a repair by clicking the "Edit" button next to the repair entry.


On the Equipment Details page of the item you'd like to add an inspection to, scroll down to the Inspections section and click the "Add inspection" button.

Choose the appropriate condition from the dropdown menu, add any additional comments, and select the "Inspected on" date if it differs from the current date. Click "Add an inspection" to update the condition of this item.

Inspection comments can be modified by clicking "Edit" next to the inspection. However, the "Inspected by," condition, and inspection date cannot be changed once the inspection has been logged.


On the Equipment Details page of the item you'd like to add or update the location, scroll down to the Locations section and click the "Add new Location" or the "Update Location" button.

You can select a new location for this item from the options in the dropdown menu. See our Storage Locations help document for more information on managing those locations!

Deleting Equipment

In the case of a duplicate or incorrect equipment item entry, you can contact to remove that incorrect data. When applicable, please ensure the appropriate parties are notified of any data changes.

Assigning Equipment

  1. Navigate to the Equipment page, and search for the equipment you'd like to assign.
  2. When you click on the equipment, you'll be able to click "Add an Assignment ."
  3. Choose the student, optionally specify a return due date, and click "Assign Equipment" to assign the item. A confirmation message will appear, stating "Inventory Assignment Added," to confirm that the equipment has been successfully assigned to the student.

The inventory assignment and the "Return due on " date will show up on the member/guardian dashboard so they can refer to this at any point while it is assigned to them.

Ending an Equipment Assignment

On the Equipment Details page, you can choose to end that assignment by finding the active assignment and clicking "End Assignment."

Alternatively, you can end the assignment directly from the student’s Program Membership Details page. Scroll down to the "Equipment Assignments" section, and click the "End" button located on the right side of the assignment you wish to terminate.

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