Starting Balances

Goal: often, newly created/imported students have a balance or credit from the previous year. Here's how to set their starting balance.

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Add Starting Balances with Custom Costs

Add Credits with Bulk Payments

Navigate to the Settings page, scroll down to the section Onboarding, where you'll discover two features related to Starting Balances:

Add Custom Costs:

For students with outstanding balances from the prior year, input a cost and label it as something along the lines of "carry forward balance", or "rolling balance from last year".

    1. See the "Adding Custom Cost" video below for more details.

Add Bulk Payments

If a student has a credit carried over from the previous year, select the "Add Bulk Payments" button on the Financials page to reflect this credit.

    1. Find the student who you're adding the credit to, fill in the Memo, Amount, and Type. For type, program credit is usually the most applicable.
    2. Once completed with all the students, press the "Add Payments" button at the bottom of the screen.
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