Financials Overview
Table of Contents
Understanding the Financials Dashboard
- Discounting Costs and Waiving Fees
- Deleting and Editing Manual Payments
Video Overview
Understanding the Financials Dashboard
Green Boxes
Credit Cards - This is the total amount received from credit card payments, including online payments and manually logged credit card payments.
Cash, Checks, Program Credit & Other - When manually adding payments for student accounts, you can designate the payment type to be one of these options, these boxes help you track how much you've received for each category.
White Boxes
Cost Total - This is the total of the costs assigned to your members.
Overpaid Amount - This is the total amount that students have paid beyond the costs that have been assigned to them. This amount does not affect the "Total Remaining" amount.
Angel Fund - This is the money allocated to the Angel Fund. More details on the angel fund can be found here: Angel Fund and Credit Transfers
Red Box
Total Remaining - This is how much you still expect to receive based on the costs that have not been paid as well as balance transfers from previous seasons.
Starting Balances
Goal: often, newly created/imported students have a balance or credit from the previous year. Here's how to set their starting balance.
Navigate to the Program Settings page, scroll down to Onboarding, where you'll discover two features related to Starting Balances:
- Add Custom Costs: For students with outstanding balances from the prior year, input a cost and label it something like "Carry Forward Balance."
- See the "Adding Custom Cost" video below for more details.
- Add Bulk Payments If a student has a credit carried over from the previous year, select the "Add Bulk Payments" button on the Financials page to reflect this credit.
- Find the student who you're adding the credit to, fill in the MEMO, AMOUNT, and TYPE. For type, program credit is usually the most applicable.
- Once completed with all the students, press the "Add Payments" button at the bottom of the screen.
Assigning Costs
Assigning Bulk Costs
- Navigate to the Financials page, and click the "Add Cost" button.
- Choose whether to assign the cost to
- All students in your program,
- All students in a group, or
- A custom selection of students that you hand-pick from a list off all students in your program. There are many filters in this option to help you find those students quickly, as well as a "select all" option for when you've set the filters to your satisfaction.
- Give your cost a Title, an Amount, Due Date, and (optionally) a Description. Choose whether you want to send a text notification about the new cost that has been assigned.
- If you select "Send SMS Notice to Guardians?" The parent will receive a text message or email with a notification and a unique link that will log them into their dashboard.
- Clink on the green "Save" button.
Adjusting a Cost
If you need to adjust anything about a cost you've created, navigate to the Financials page and click on the name of the Cost you want to adjust.
You can:
- "Add Students" to this cost
- "Edit all", where any changes will be applied to all members who are assigned to this cost
- "Edit individual", where any changes only apply to that member
- "Delete", deletes the cost from all members who are assigned this cost
Once you have made you selection above, Click the "Save" button where applicable.
If you have members that were added after Costs had already been set up, you will need to add them to the Cost's assignment list manually, as the system does not auto-assign Costs to new members.
Adding Custom Costs
Custom Costs are costs where each student owes a unique amount, as opposed to Bulk Costs where each student owes the same amount. This is especially useful for creating starting student account balances.
Discounting Costs and Waiving Fees
Goal: Because of a scholarship or volunteer contract, you need to partially or completely reduce a student's fee on a particular cost.
Navigate to the Financial page. After you create a bulk cost for the full amount, navigate to the section "Applied Costs" and select the cost to be changed.
- Find the student whose cost needs to be discounted or removed and click "Edit Individual."
- Adjust the "Amount" to the discounted cost you need and add a reason for your records.
- Click "Save."
Now your student has the correct amount of that cost applied to them! You should be able to see them at the bottom of that cost's details under "Students with customized cost."
Adding Manual Payments
See the full Paying for Costs document for the Guardian/Member perspective.
- Navigate to the Financials page and click "Add Bulk Payments"
- Find the student's name on this page who you'd like to add the payment to.
Typing "ctrl + f" or "cmd + f" on this page and then typing the student's name can help you find them quickly!
- Add a memo, amount, and type of payment to the row for that student. The NEW column will show you what their fees will be after adding this payment to their account.
Fundraising profits are usually logged as "Program Credits" with a description of the fundraiser in the memo line!
- Repeat step 2 & 3 for as many students as you need.
- Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click "Add Payments"
Deleting and Editing Manual Payments
- Go to the Members page and find the member you'd like to edit or delete a payment from
- Click on their name - this will take you to their Program Membership Details page.
- Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the "Payments" section
The Payments section is below the "Transaction Summary" and list of costs!
- On the right side of the row showing the payment, click the three dots to open the menu to either delete or edit the payment.
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