Transferring Instruments

Requesting an Instrument

Fulfilling an Instrument Transfer Request

Approving/Declining Instrument Transfers (District Admins)

Requesting an Instrument

As a User in a Cut Time Account, you may request an instrument that is currently managed by another program within your district.

  1. Navigate to the Transfers page and click on the "Request an instrument" button.
  2. Select the Instrument Type from the dropdown menu.
  3. If you only need the item for a set amount of time, add the date to the Required Until field.
  4. Add any notes to this Instrument Transfer Request in the Description.
  5. Click "Create instrument request" to finalize your request.

Fulfilling an Instrument Transfer Request

In order to assist another Admin with their Instrument Transfer Request, your account will need to have an available instrument in your account's inventory.

  1. Navigate to the Transfers page and scroll down to the District Instrument Requests section to view the Open Requests, or click through to "See all incoming requests."
  2. Click on the instrument type of a request to see more details.
  3. If you do not have any inventory that would suit this request, you will see a message indicating so. If you have a matching item, you will see the option to "Offer instrument."

  1. Click on this button to finalize your offer, then click "Offer Instrument".

Accepting an Offered Instrument From Another Account

Once another program has offered an instrument, you will be able to review what item they've offered before accepting.

  1. Navigate to the Transfers page.
  2. Under Your Requests, find the instrument transfer request you started to check the "Open Offers" Column. There will be a number listed if another account has agreed to transfer an instrument. Click on the instrument to see the open offers for that request.
  3. Scroll down to the Open Offers section and review what instrument has been offered. Then Accept or Decline the Offer.
  4. Once your district administrator approves this request, that instrument will be moved into your program's inventory!

Approving/Declining Instrument Transfers (District Admins)

If you are a District Admin, you have the ability to approve or decline Instrument Transfer Requests.

  1. Navigate to the District Level Account.
  2. Go to the Instrument Transfers page.
  3. You will see any Active Instrument Transfers listed in the Transfers that Require Your Attention section.

  4. View the Instrument Transfer Request and then click "Transfer." Once it has been processed you will see this section clear out the Request.

Updating Instrument Manager (District Admins)

If you are a District Admin, you have the ability to manually update the manager, and therefore transferring that instrument from it's current program to another program in the district.

  1. Navigate to the Instruments page on your district dashboard
  2. Search for and click on the instrument you would like to update
  3. Scroll down to the "Manager" section and click the "Update manager" button.
  4. Use the dropdown on this page to select the name of the program that instrument should be moved to and click "Update manager!"
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