Instrument Management Overview

Table of Contents

Adding Instruments

See Instrument Inventory Import Overview for details on how to import instrument data in our spreadsheet template!

  • Navigate to your Instruments page, and click "Add Instrument."
  • Enter the Make, Model, and Type of the instrument - these fields are required. The "Type" is selected from a list of pre-formatted instrument types and subtypes. If you are unable to find the type you are looking for, please reach out to for assistance.
  • Enter any further information you would like to add to this instrument's details. You can add storage locations to choose from on the Storage Locations page. See more here - Storage Locations
  • Click "Add instrument!"

Navigating your Inventory

Searching for Instruments

On the Instruments page, you will see the instruments default to score order, and you have several options to sort and filter. As you begin typing, your filters will narrow down what items come up in your search.

To search for an individual instrument, you can filter for:

  • Serial #
  • Owner Identifier
  • Barcode
  • Case ID
  • Student Assignment

To search for a group of instruments, you can filter for:

  • Make or Model
  • Type
  • Purchase Year
  • Location
  • Condition (this is populated by the last inspection condition)
  • Unassigned instruments
  • Inspection dates - with options for "not inspected" in 6 months, 12 months, or never inspected.

Once you have your filters set, you can click "Export results" to download an excel sheet with your instrument data. Or, you can click on an instrument to view that instrument's Instrument Details page.

Barcode Scanning and QR Codes

Barcode Scanning - At the top of the Instruments page, there is a button to "Scan barcode." Click that button and allow system access to your camera to allow it to scan an instrument's barcode. CutTime supports both code 128 and 39 barcodes. Scanning an instrument's barcode will bring up that instrument's Instrument Details page.

QR Codes - On an Instrument Details page, click the "Case Tag" button to bring up that instrument's case tag. Clicking "Print Case Tag" will allow you to print a business card sized QR Code Tag.

When scanned with a capable device, that QR code will bring up a page with contact information and a sign in link for the instrument's manager.

See our Bulk Printing Case Tags doc for a walkthrough on printing these out for your full inventory!

Repairs, Inspections, and Locations


On the Instrument Details page of the instrument you'd like to add a repair log to, scroll down to the Repairs section and click the "Add repair" button.

Enter the Vendor, Cost, Details, and Started on date. If there is no end date, it will be considered an "Active" repair when saved. When or if that repair is complete, enter the end date and click "Save" so it will be considered a "Completed" repair in CutTime.

Repairs can be fully edited by clicking "edit" next to the repair.


On the Instrument Details page of the instrument you'd like to add an inspection to, scroll down to the Inspections section and click the "Add inspection" button.

Select the applicable condition from the dropdown, add any further comments, and select the "Inspected on" if it is different than the day you are logging this inspection. Click "Add an inspection" to update this instrument's condition!

Inspection Comments can be edited by clicking "edit" next to the inspections. The inspected by, Condition, nor the inspected date can be edited after logging the inspection.


On the Instrument Details page of the instrument you'd like to add or update the location, scroll down to the Locations section and click the "Add new Location" or the "Update Location" button.

You can select a new location for this instrument from the options in the dropdown menu. See our Storage Locations help document for more information on managing those locations!

Retiring and Deleting Instruments

Retiring Instruments

On an Instrument Details page, you may have the option to "Retire Instrument." Retiring an instrument means that instrument is removed from your instrument list and is archived in the CutTime database. If you need to retrieve data related to that instrument after retiring it, reach out to for assistance.

If the "Retire Instruments" button does not appear on the instrument details page, you can send your instrument's unique serial #, Owner ID, Barcode, or Case ID to your district-level administrator, and they can retire that instrument for you.

District Administrators

As the district-level administrator, you can log into your district dashboard and can go to your Instruments page.

  • Search for the instrument using the serial #, Owner ID, Barcode, or Case ID, and click that instrument when you find it.
  • Click the "Retire Instrument" button.
  • Finally, add the reason for retirement and click "Save."

Deleting Instruments

In the case of a duplicate or incorrect instrument entry, you can contact to remove that incorrect data. When applicable, please ensure the appropriate parties are notified of any data changes.

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