SMS Deliverability

We know how crucial it is for you to ensure that your text messages reach their intended recipients. However, just like sometimes a letter might not reach your mailbox, an SMS message might occasionally not reach a phone.

Let's explore some everyday situations that might cause this:

1. Prepaid Phone Issues

Imagine you're using a prepaid phone, and you've used up all your credit. You can only make calls or use the internet once you top up. Similarly:

  • If a recipient's prepaid phone has exceeded its data or text limits, they might only receive messages once they recharge their account.

2. Inactive or Invalid Phones

Think of this like trying to send a letter to a closed P.O. Box. The letter will come back because the box is no longer in use.

  • The message won't be delivered if you send a message to a phone number that's no longer active or has been deactivated.

3. Connection Issues

Imagine you're in an elevator or on a flight; your phone loses signal temporarily. Your phone reconnects once you're back in an area with a signal.

  • The message might only succeed if the recipient's phone is connected for reasons like being on a plane, in a tunnel, or on a cruise ship. However, it will likely be delivered once they return to a service area.

4. Carrier Restrictions

Sometimes, carriers (the companies that provide phone services) might mistake a legitimate message for spam, much like how email services sometimes wrongly place genuine emails in the spam folder.

  • If a carrier thinks a message looks like spam, even if it isn't, they might prevent it from being delivered.

5. Blocked Numbers

Consider this: You can block unwanted callers from reaching you on your phone. In the same way:

  • If a recipient has blocked the number you're sending the message from, they won't receive your messages.

6. Phone Storage Issues

  • If the recipient's phone storage is full, they might only receive new messages once they free up some space.

Check out our Announcements doc for how we handle a failed SMS delivery


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