Member / Guardian Management Overview
Table of Contents
- What is a Member?
- Active vs Inactive Memberships
- Adding Members
- Adding Guardians
- Viewing and Editing your Members
- Exporting Rosters
What is a Member?
In CutTime, members consist of a few different records:
- A Member is a record that has a name, date of birth, and student ID
- A member has a Program Membership that connects them to your CutTime account
- Each program membership is part of a Season
- Members can have more than one program membership at a time, which allows them to access multiple CutTime accounts using the same login. For example, a single member that's in both Band and Choir may have two program memberships at the same time
- A member may have a Contact, which contains their email and/or cell phone number
When managing members in your CutTime account, you will typically be interacting with a program membership.
Active vs Inactive Memberships
Program Memberships can be either Active or Inactive.
- Active memberships refer to members who are active participants in your current season. These members will appear by default in your Members page and in all other places where you might interact with your members
- Inactive memberships refer to members who may have been active in your current season but are no longer active. These members will not appear in your default filters and will not receive communications from CutTime, but you can still view and reactivate them from your Members page. If this member has permanently left the program, you can elect not to establish a program membership for this member in the next season when you do your end-of-year wrap up
Adding Members
If you are planning to add more than a couple members at a time, we strongly recommend importing them rather than adding them individually.
Importing / Adding Members in bulk
See the Student Import Overview help document for a complete walkthrough
Adding Members individually
- Navigate to the Members page from the sidebar on the left side of your screen
- Click the "Add member" button from the top right side of the Members page
- Enter in the member's information (first name and grade level are required)
- When adding a new member, you'll typically want them to be "Active"
- Click the "Save" button
After you add a member individually, you will need to add their contact and guardian information separately. See below for more detail.
If there's an error that says "This student Identifier is already in use" then you may need to use the Student importer to add that member in CutTime.
Adding Guardians
Importing / Adding Guardians in bulk
See the Guardian Import Overview help document for a complete walkthrough.
Adding Guardians individually
- Navigate to the Members page from the sidebar on the left side of your screen
- Click the "Add guardian" button below the "Contact details" of that member
- Enter either the cell phone or email of that guardian and click "search"
- Either click "Save" to attach the existing guardian to the member, or add the new guardian's information and then click "Save"
If you need to edit an existing guardian's information, it's necessary to click "save" to add the guardian to the member and then click their name to edit the info.
If there's an error that says "has already been taken" while adding guardian information, that means the guardian exists with that information already in CutTime. See Guardian information FAQ for solutions or contact to merge those guardian profiles.
Viewing and Editing your Members
Navigating the Members page
Navigate to the Members page by clicking the link in the sidebar on the left side of your screen. The default listing on this page contains all active members in your current season. You can see the number of active members next to "Member Listing."
At the top of the page you will find various search filters that you can use to narrow down your search. These filters can be combined if necessary - for example, you could filter to see all of the 12th Graders that play Flute in the Marching Band and then export those results to a spreadsheet.
Note that the Member Listing number will change to reflect the number of Members that match the filters you applied.
Viewing Member Details
To access a Member Details page, click on their name in the table. On the Member Details page, you will see various tables containing a member's data:
- Basic information (name, Student ID, Date of Birth, Grade, Primary Position)
- Contact details (Cell phone, Email, Last login)
- Guardians
- Groups and positions within each group
- Instrument assignments
- Equipment assignments
- Attire assignments
- Library assignments
- Transaction summary
- Costs
- Payments
- Documents
On this page, you can also perform several tasks for a member:
- Send a welcome message
- Add or edit contact information (see below)
- Add or edit guardians
- Edit their membership to a group
- End inventory assignments
- End attire assignments
- Add or edit costs
- Add, edit, or delete payments
- View Documents signature status
Editing a Member
From a member's Membership Details page, you can click the "Edit" button to adjust any of their basic information as needed. This is where you can deactivate or reactivate the member's program membership.
To update a member's contact information, however, you must go to the "Contact details" table on this page.
To add contact information to a member that does not have any:
- Click "Add contact details"
- Enter in either an email address or a cell phone number and click "Search"
If that contact information does not already exist in the database: Create a new contact and optionally send a welcome message to the member.
If that contact information does already exist in the database: See the other members and program memberships that have already been connected to this contact information. If the other members you see here appear to be the same member you're working with, click "Assign to contact" to connect your member with this contact information. If the other members you see here appear to be different from the member you're working with, review the contact information you entered for accuracy. Note that Clicking "Assign to contact" means that all of the members on this page will be able to log in and access the dashboard for your current member.
To update or remove a member's contact information:
- Click "Edit contact details"
- To update contact information: Add, update, or remove the email address or cell phone listed and click "Save"
- To remove all contact information: Click "Disconnect from this contact"
Using the Guardians page to find members
On the Guardians page, you can type "ctrl + f" (cmd + f for mac) to search for a specific guardian, or you can sort by the fields on that table to find your guardians. That guardian row has all members they are connected to on their guardian record so you can click on the member's name to be brought to their program membership page.
Or, you can edit the guardian's contact information by clicking "Edit" on the right side of the row. See Student/Guardian Information FAQ for common troubleshooting.
Deleting Member Records
Deleting member records is not usually possible if that member has any data associated with them such as any assignments, inventory, attire, music, equipment or any financial history. Members with multiple program memberships in CutTime, including memberships in multiple seasons in the same program, might also not be able to be deleted. Deleting members is only recommended when there is a duplication or data upload issue. If that is the case, we recommend either deleting all members in your program to do a fresh upload or renaming the particular members that need to be deleted to "Delete" and emailing to delete the data for you. Keep in mind that we may still be unable to delete the members if they have payment data or have multiple program memberships.
For any scenario where a member is being removed from the program, we recommend marking that member inactive on their edit program membership page. Their data will not be deleted, and they will be removed from most areas within your CutTime account.
Exporting Rosters
On the right side of the Members table is a "Export" button. This button will generate and download an Excel spreadsheet of anything you have filtered in this table. If you don't have any filters applied, it will generate a spreadsheet of all active members of your program.
However, if you would like to export a specific roster, you can simply choose a Group from the dropdown filter at the top of the page before exporting. With this filter applied, the spreadsheet will contain only the members who have been assigned to that group. Next time you click to Export, it will 'remember' and display your previous field selections.
The Member export can include:
- Member First, Middle, and Last name
- Nickname
- Date of birth
- Member Email and Cell phone
- Grade
- Primary position
- Group position (if a group filter is applied)
- Student ID
- Student balance
- Guardian 1 name, cell, email, and relationship to member
- Guardian 2 name, cell, email, and relationship to member
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