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Guardian Importer FAQ

Error - "Matches multiple names within this import"

CutTime requires every guardian across the entire database to have unique contact information. Make sure this guardian doesn't have the same cell or email as someone else in the import. The error will show under the cell phone, even if it is only the email they share. If that's the case, delete the email from one of the parents, and que the row for import.

If the guardian rows are the same person, make sure the guardian name matches exactly on both rows. For example: a guardian marked as "Roberto" on one row but "roberto" would need to be edited to one or the other. Another common example is "Samantha" on one student and "Sam" on another.

Note: If neither of these methods fix the problem, you can "ignore row, don't import" and then associate the guardian to the student using the cell phone number on the students membership details page. That will bring up the guardian that was added in the import who has that cell phone number, so you can add them to that student's info.

Error - "Matches a guardian with a different name"

CutTime requires every guardian across the entire database to have unique contact information. If there is any discrepancy in the name of the guardian in your import file compared to their existing account, CutTime believes they are different people and will therefore block the row. You can either adjust their name to the same as what their account already has, or you can "ignore row, don't import" and then associate the guardian to the student using the cell phone number on the students membership details page. That will bring up the guardian that already exists in CutTime with that contact information.

Error under student - "can't be blank"

The importer uses student ID to tie guardians to students during the import process, so it's necessary for that to be included and correct in the import sheet for the importer to map them properly.

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