Group Management Overview
Table of Contents
What is a Group?
Adding Groups
What is a Group?
A group is how we organize our program members into smaller parts. A program in CutTime is often a combination of many moving parts including ensembles, grade levels, instrument sections, trip rosters, etc. This often requires communication and fees that apply to only one part of the program, which is why groups are so important!
Members can be part of as many groups as needed, and you can create as many groups as needed in your program! When sending out announcements, setting up fees, or completing many other tasks in CutTime, you will likely come across a "member picker:"
This allows you to filter what you're doing down to a particular group. Or, if you need to select multiple groups, you can choose "custom," and then filter by group, click "Select all," and then filter for as many groups as you need!
Adding Groups
Navigate to the Groups page, click "Add group," type in the group's name, and then click "Save."
Note: To change the name of your Groups, click "Edit" on the right side of the row, make your edits, and then click "Save."
To see a list of members of a group, click on the name of the group you'd like to see on the Groups page. On the left side of the screen, you'll see names of members who are not members of the group, and on the right side, you'll see the names of members who are members of the group.
To add members to the group, choose a position for that member by clicking on the drop box next to their name, pick their position for this group, and click "Join."
Tip: To find a position quickly, you can type in the first few letters of the position you're looking for, and the position will likely pop up instead of having to scroll through the position list!
To adjust the position of a member who is already a member of the group, you can find their name on the right side of the screen, use the drop-down menu to select another position, and click "Update."
Primary vs. Group Position
A member's primary position points to data about the member's program membership. The primary position is most helpful when it is the position that the member holds in most groups in your program. When you pull up the Rostering page for a group, the member's primary position will be auto-filled in the position drop box.
A member's group position points to data about the group itself. A member can have a group position that is different than their primary position. e.g. A member who is primarily a soprano may be in multiple mixed choirs as a soprano, but in the SSA choir, she may sing the alto part. Each group position is shown on the member's program membership page.