Logging In

Admin/Teacher/Booster accounts

Logging in

  1. Go to the Login Page of Cut Time Next Gen at https://app.gocuttime.com/login.
  2. Type in your email and password in the applicable text boxes.
  3. Click "Log in" to access your account!

If you find yourself trying to login and it keeps telling you that the "username or password you entered is incorrect," double check that you're logging into gocuttime.com and not cuttime.net.

First Time Log in

After a Profile is set up for you by one of our Support Staff, you will receive a login email. Click through on this email to finish logging in and updating your Profile.

If you do not click the link within 14 days, your login email link may expire. Contact another user at your program to resend it to you by clicking "manage" by your name on the users page, or email support@gocuttime.com for assistance!

If you clicked on the link but didn't finish setting up your Profile, you can request a Reset Password Email from a Support Staff Member at Support@Gocuttime.com.

Resetting your password

Once you have logged in for the first time, you will be able to request your own Reset Password Email.

  1. Go to the Login Page of Cut Time Next Gen at https://app.gocuttime.com/login.
  2. Click the "Forgot Your Password?" button.
  3. Enter your email and click "Send Reset Instructions" and follow the instructions in the email your receive.

If you're brought to a page that says "Email Address Not Found," you may be at cuttime.net instead of Gocuttime.com.

Guardian/Member accounts

Logging in

As a member of the program or as a guardian, your login is your "magic link" that you may have received in a text message from your program administrator. See this article for more details on your magic link.

When you click that link, you may be prompted to enter a verification code that is sent to your phone. Once you do that, you're logged into your member/guardian dashboard!

Requesting your magic link

  1. Go to the Login Page of Cut Time Next Gen at https://app.gocuttime.com/login.
  2. Click the "Guardians" or "Students" button below the traditional email/password login interface.
  3. Enter the cell phone associated with your account and click "Send link"

If your information exists in our system, you'll soon receive a text or email with your magic link!

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