Guardian / Student Experience

Some helpful introduction videos for your members and guardians can be found here:

Possible Questions

  • What is a magic link?
  • Where is my password?
  • What is my login information?

Overview: A username and password are authentication conventions that have existed since the 1980s. We use a newer, more seamless way to authenticate a user in software called "magic links," which have been around for about a dozen years—no more usernames and passwords for guardians and students.

CutTime Next Gen uses SMS as its primary means of notification to students and guardians.

Their CutTime experience usually starts with a welcome message to the student and guardian, which the program director triggers manually from the "guardians page," or an announcement.

See below.

Welcome Message

After the guardian or student clicks the magic link which opens in their mobile or desktop browser, they're asked to trigger the pin code to authenticate their device.

The student and guardian will come back to that page and enter the pin code sent to them.

Once the student or guardian has entered the code, the "My Student" page loads. CutTime can handle a guardian having multiple students in a program or students in different programs or students in other schools.

Anytime a program director sends an announcement, adds a cost, or does another important activity in CutTime, the guardian and or student will receive a notification to click their magic link to come back to the student page and see the new activity. See below.

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